As reported in the Financial Times, Hartley Pensions entered administration on the 29th July at the request of the Financial Conduct Authority. The FCA published an update stating that clients of Hartley Pensions would soon receive a letter explaining what this means and any action they should take.
Hartley Pensions was ordered to cease taking on any news business in March earlier this year. Hartley also provided SIPP services to white label platform provider Hubwise, who was also informed that they would need to cease onboarding any new clients to the service.
A number of complaints were made against Hartley Pensions in relation to SIPP investments. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) website currently lists 11 completed claims against the firm brought between May 2020 and May 2022, of which 9 were upheld.
If you hold a SIPP with Harltey Pensions or any other SIPP provider and have concerns about the advice given in relation to the transfer of your pension, or any investments you were advised to hold within your SIPP then contact Hallbrook today.
We offer a free no obligation consultation to establish if there is likely to be any grounds for complaint. If we believe there is sufficient cause of action then we will advise on the best channels for financial redress.
You do not need to use the services of a third party to make a claim as both the FOS and FSCS are free services. Any complaint must first be directed to the firm before it can be referred to the FOS.
Hallbrook have been operating as a claims management company for over 12 years and successfully recovered in excess of £60million of compensation for clients. We have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help ensure you get the compensation you are rightfully entitled to.
We undertake claims on a conditional fee basis, meaning you pay nothing if your claim is unsuccessful, subject to terms and conditions. Our fees range from 18% - 36% depending upon the amount of compensation. We expect most SIPP claims to exceed £50k, in which case the fees would be capped at £12k inclusive of VAT.